What Garden Maker can do for you…

Garden design and border planning
Plant suggestions and supply
Pruning – apple and fruit trees, roses, shrubs and Wisterias
Garden rejuvenation, clearing and reclamation
Garden maintenance
weeding and hedge pruning
Advisory visits

Rob Cotterill

“My love of plants and gardens started at the age of 5 with my own alpine trough in my parents’ south Devon garden. After leaving school I followed an apprenticeship with the local parks department before studying horticulture at Askham Bryan, Yorkshire. My first job was at Writtle College, where I also completed my RHS Master of Horticulture (Mhort). Gardening has taken me all over the country and to the far side of the world, before landing back in the South West and the near perfect growing conditions of South Petherton”

Becky Cotterill

“I have always loved plants and spent many years working in garden centres and nurseries, before gaining a BSc in Horticulture (and a husband!) at Writtle College, Essex. As part of my course I spent a very enjoyable and instructive year working for the National Trust at the beautiful Rowallane Garden in Northern Ireland. Before working with Rob I was promoting local nursery grown plants to garden centres across the south west”

Garden Maker is environmentally aware…

We work with your garden’s natural features and microclimate to make the most of its potential. We recycle as much as possible and composting is central to our way of working to improve soil condition and stimulate the growth of healthy plants. A current favourite is creating flowery meadows using either hardy annuals or wild flowers.